Our History

The Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park is near the west entrance of the Renovo Industrial Park. Three acres surrounding the Coal & Sand Wharf was designated to be developed as The Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park. A committee was formed April 12, 1999 to explore the possibilities. With some help from the Non-Profit Assistance Center of SEDA-COG, the committee took the legal steps needed to become a non-profit organization. By-laws were adopted on July 22, 1999, the non- profit incorporation papers filed, and application made for a 501(c) 3 designation. The first annual meeting followed on July 27th 2000.

Heritage: Something that has been or may be inherited.

The Heritage Park committee is “Dedicated to uniting, preserving, and promoting the history, heritage and community pride of the Greater Renovo Area” for the edification and enjoyment of future generations. We realize, that for there to be people to maintain and use the park in the future, we must help improve the present situation and make plans to revitalize the area’s economy, population and appearance. Heritage Tourism and Eco Tourism are two guiding concepts that inspire the development of projects and programs that help us focus on our mission. 

Early contributors to the Park: The Clinton County Economic Partnership, Community Trade Association, International Paper Company, The Clinton County Commissioners, Clinton County Community Foundation, Dominion Gas Company, The Pennsylvania Lumber Heritage Region, Youth Service Corps,  Ameri-Corps, The Bucktail Area High School Vo-Tech and Senior Classes and community volunteers have contributed to the on- going development of the Heritage Park facilities.

Gene Summerson donated the small store and second floor apartment at 530/528 Erie Avenue to The Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park. The Grand Opening, May 5th 2007, was part of the fifth Annual Heritage Days and attracted many local and county dignitaries and residents. It is currently headquarters for the Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park Association.

That building is currently under extensive renovation as is the recently acquired former Maxwell Furniture Store located next door. All the support we have received from the County, local service organizations, and volunteers has made it possible to continue our mission:

Dedicated to uniting, preserving and promoting the history, heritage and community pride of the Greater Renovo Area.

Our Mission

The Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park was established for the purpose of uniting, preserving, and promoting the history, heritage, culture, and community pride of the Greater Renovo Area; to build a heritage park center to become the focal point of the area’s ethnic, industrial, and commercial past; to help develop the local economy by supporting new business and nonprofit endeavors inspired by the heritage of the Renovo Area; and to illustrate how the area’s past ties to the present.